Sunday, November 20, 2022

Braver Than Texas Cops

A 22-year-old gunman opened fire inside a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, killing five people and leaving 25 injured before he was subdued by “heroic” patrons and arrested by police who arrived within minutes, authorities said Sunday.
The gunman was confronted by “at least two heroic people” who fought and subdued the suspect...


  1. For those dancing in the blood its not the guns,
    its the hate.

    It was good to read the perp was taken down and
    now gets to talk and be tried.

    Let's see who he blames.


  2. Yes we are. We can decide what to do with this fukked up kid later. First, i want him to talk and try to explain how he came to do this.

  3. I find it encouraging: people are fighting back, against seemingly insurmountable odds.

    I ... look forward to reading accounts of tv pundits and would-be mass-killers being dragged into the street and ripped to shreds. The only way to deal with a bully is beat the shit out of it.

    Do I care if they live or die? Well, I personally think it best they suffer physically for the rest of their lives but otherwise ... no

    I didn't go looking for this fight. All I wanted was to be left alone ...

  4. Republicans and Rightwingers have declared War on the LGBTQ community. It's been going on for a while and it will continue as rightwing propagandists immediately went back to demonizing the community after a rightwing stochastic terrorists attacked.

  5. Bullies like the rad right are cowards. They will hurt
    others if they can get away with it.

    Generally the US public has a high threshold for
    BS and annoyance right up till they don't and then
    its time to take out the trash.

    Well, maybe they didn't get the message, is time.
    The trash wagon is coming and we have cans to fill.

    As to the republicans, well they can prove they
    are not assholes or prove they are, their choice.

    You don't get to sign up for this shit. It just is.


  6. Those two "heroic people" did more in twenty seconds than the Uvalde Police and sundry did all day ...

  7. The NY Times has an article on the first guy to reach the shooter

  8. I like that he beat him bloody with his own weapon...

  9. "Stomped by a drag queen." Heh.


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