- Try to break civilian morale by attacking random shit.
- Press-gang men off the street, give them little to no training, and send them into combat.
Few people want to die for another's ambition. Few parents want to see their sons killed for the imperial ambitions of their emperor, not in this century.
Between those who are being sent to the front as cannon-fodder and who will return to their families in coffins,[2] and those who have fled to other countries to avoid the war, a million young men, or more, will have been removed from Russian society and the Russian economy. A lot of them are the best and brightest young men that the Russians have. The dead will be gone forever, of course, but the living who have fled may find living in freer countries more to their liking.
Which means that this may not end well for Russia.
[1] And there is a non-zero chance that the Iranian regime will fall in the near-future.
[2] And those whose bodies will be abandoned and later buried by the Ukranians.