Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Being a Public Nazi Has Its Consequences

Adidas has ended its partnership with the rapper formerly known as Kanye West over his offensive and antisemitic remarks, the latest company to cut ties with Ye and a decision that the German sportwear company said would hit its bottom line.

“Adidas does not tolerate antisemitism and any other sort of hate speech,” the company said in a statement Tuesday. “Ye’s recent comments and actions have been unacceptable, hateful and dangerous, and they violate the company’s values of diversity and inclusion, mutual respect and fairness.”

Ah, horseshit. If it wasn't for public pressure, Adidas would have cheerfully kept going with Kanye, because money talks. But being in a public association with a notorious antisemite is a look that no German company wants.

1 comment:

  1. Adidas and Kanye will have to add #MTBSW to their Twitter accounts.


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