Tuesday, October 25, 2022

An Alaskan Nazi

They're not even hiding their love of fascism anymore.

The Republicans have become the very people that my father's and grandfather's generations went to war against.


  1. If the reference is the Templar Cross, it doesn't mean what everyone thinks it means ...

  2. Sure, and the swastika once had other meanings. A long row of linked swastikas was carved along the ground level of the Department of Agriculture building.

    But now, the swastika only has one meaning. So does the Iron Cross.

  3. Comrade Misfit, I had to read your comment to understand why wearing what i would call a Maltese Cross was offensive. I thought it was just used by the Germans during WW1 to identify their aircraft and a few tanks. Reading more I came across an article by the ADL that said the Nazis used it with a swastika on it for the Iron Cross but they did not consider it offensive without the swastika on it, based on the context where it is used.

  4. Well I guess that means Everybody who has ever received a U.S. Army marksman ship badge is a Nazi too since the badge has an Uron cross in it, and has had it since before WWII?? https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/025/218/for_gallery_v2/Armyqual.jpg?1424726690

  5. So, does someone want to explain why Palin was wearing an Iron Cross? Was she honoring the brave German soldiers who tried to twice conquer Europe?

  6. Obviously she was honoring those Army marksmen mentioned above. And did you also have a finger you wanted me to pull, Ms/Mr/Mx Wolfe?

  7. Nobody at that level of politics (or public life) just throws on an outfit without giving due thought to the image they are projecting.

    White supremacists have a long history of co-opting formerly innocent symbols and using them to signal their beliefs to the knowing. The Iron Cross may not be as potent a hate symbol as it once was, but it's still in play.

  8. It took them an extra 77 years but they are now widely accepted. Even want to be American politicians are now wearing their signage. So many souls died to stop this and yet here we are.

  9. I agree, she had no thought, has no idea, of what she was throwing on. Yes, she was dog-signaling the xian nazis, it's cute, it's a cross, what could be wrong with that?

    The Templars were the first and last and for a time the only successful pushback against the tyranny and terrorism of the catholic church. If anything in origin it represents the freedoms we claim to hold dear, is the antithesis of everything it is purported to represent.

    Jolly Roger, the Skull and Crossbones? Not just one of my tattoos, The Templar Battle Flag.

    Dogwhistle that ...

  10. Here's a better usage of it as jewelry:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Don't give her too much credit for being aware of her surroundings. She famously did an interview with turkeys being slaughtered in the background.


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