Saturday, September 3, 2022

Where Did Those Documents Go?

All told, then, there are 48 empty CLASSIFIED document folders and 42 empty “Return to Staff Secretary/Military Aide” folders. Each of those is a highly sensitive — and now potentially missing — document.

Since it has become apparent that the Asset's lawyers were not telling the truth when they swore to the DoJ in June that everything had been turned over, can there be any certainty that there are not government-owned documents in his digs at Bedminster or in the Tower of Sedition in NYC? That those places were not searched would seemingly indicate that those cooperating with the FBI didn't say that there were any.

This is where the TOFF's claim to be persecuted falls apart. If he were an ordinary Joe Criminal, the Feds would have raided all three places.

But the overarching question is this: Where are the documents that were in those folders? The Lubyanka is what immediately comes to mind.


  1. I wonder what's buried in that golf-course grave ...

  2. "Where did the documents go?"

    Go to Moscow. Go directly to Moscow. Do not not pass security. Collect your $200.

  3. I read that the number of our spies that have been outed or killed has gone way up since 2021.
    Then there is the two billion dollars that Jared got from the Saudis.
    I still have a hard time imagining Fergus pulling off any kind of complicated secrets deal. His style is more "invite them into the Oval Office and just give it to them."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Can someone tell me why he kept the folders for the missing documents? What a complete idiot move on his part.

  5. Ten Bears: "Where Did All Those Documents Go, Gone To Graveyards Everyone."
    Peter, Paul & Mary (1962) (Flowers Song)


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