Saturday, September 17, 2022

Russia Is Not a "State Sponsor of Terrorism", It Is a "State Practitioner of Terrorism".

The irony is rich here. For a country that claimed to want to "de-Nazify Ukraine," Russia has proven itself to be the closest thing we have seen recently to a nation run on Nazi principles: Invade a neighbring nation, treat the locals as sub-humans and slaughter them. The only difference seems to be that the Russians haven't, as yet, industrialized their machinery of death.

The Institute for the Study of War, which does not routinely cover Russian atrocities because there are lots of other sources for that information, said this:

The revelations of mass graves of civilians and torture chambers in newly liberated Izyum confirm ISW’s previous assessments that the Bucha atrocities were not isolated war crimes but rather a microcosm of Russian atrocities throughout Russian-occupied areas.

Or, in Geekish: Russian atrocities aren't a bug, they're a feature.

The age-old saying has been proven to be true: Scratch a Russian and you'll find a Tartar.


  1. Damned Barbarians, still. And in the 21st century?

  2. W3ski:

    As shown in the Star Trek documentary "Mirror, mirror", the veneer of civilization is quite thin.

    Putin really should grow a goatee.

  3. Expect nothing more of a paper tiger. Or paper barbarian.

    That's right ~ Real Men don't shave ...

  4. Ten Bears, isn't it ironic that the Taliban require all males to be bearded and so many of the Jan6 insurrectionists are scraggly bearded?

  5. Amendment: Real Men don't grow scraggly beards ...

    Picture: I've got a pretty good Gandalf going; ZZTop, Santi Claus, almost fifty years old. I keep it trimmed, though, platted and pleated, with my hair in a long braid down the middle of my back. I'm not just an old biker, an Outsider, I look like it, and sometimes the stereotype is ... annoying. Tend to see the J-sixer's appearance as I do manbuns: lazy (no doubt unclean, stink). I've actually gotten pretty conservative in my dress since, Carhartt's and workshirts, boots, Stetson and sport jacket, nothing to attract attention. The tie-dye is put away. Have to look real close to see anything more than a diminutive old guy with a big white beard.

    What started out snark turned into a rant ...

  6. One wonders what sort of misery is unleashed inside Mother Russia. A return to Stalinist horrors? Yes, prominent oligarchs have been getting the chop but what about the average Ivan?


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