Thursday, September 8, 2022

It Turns Out That When the TOFF Complains About a "Politicized Justice Department," He Knows What He's Talking About, Because That's Exactly What He Was Doing.

Plus Other Shit.

A new book by the Trump appointee who served as the Federal prosecutor in NYC alleges that both the Asset and Bootlicking Bill pushed to prosecute Cadet Bone Spurs's political opponents and to let Michael Cohen off the hook. And when that prosecutor wouldn't do their bidding, Buttmonkey Bill shopped the cases around to find a more willing lackey. In the case of Gregory Craig, a Democrat, Disgusting Bill shopped the case to D.C., the Federal prosecutor tried Craig and the jury tossed the case after less than a day's worth of deliberations.

Is anyone surprised by any of this?

In other news, Operation Circling the Drain may be underway in the UK.

And some clown shot up Memphis while livestreaming his murderous spree. Since this Asswipe was a violent felon, he's eligible for a faster dirt nap. He's also eligible for the same from the Feds.


  1. judas priest ..the world is just spinning off it's axes.

  2. To a certain commentator: If you’re going to personally insult me on my blog, your comments will be deleted. As your last one was.

    Confirm to the rules or go take a long walk off a shorter pier. I don’t give a fuck, either way.

  3. Guesses as to whom I am addressing will be deleted.


House Rules #1, #2 and #6 apply to all comments. Rule #3 also applies to political comments.

In short, don't be a jackass. THIS MEANS YOU!
If you never see your comments posted, see Rule #7.

All comments must be on point and address either the points raised in the blog post or points raised by commenters in response.
Any comments that drift off onto other topics are subject to deletion.

(Please don't feed the trolls.)


COMMENT MODERATION IS IN EFFECT UFN. This means that if you are an insulting dick, nobody will ever see it.