Sunday, August 14, 2022

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

The F-35 "Turkey Two":

Go about to 1:50 in to see it land vertically.

It seems that Putler has been LockMark's best salesman.


  1. Was it the F 35 or the F 22 that had the habit of denying oxygen to the pilot?

  2. F-35 has has some 'similar' problems with O2 delivery. I saw Palmdale, Pax River, and Kadena in those shots. Those birds DO get around! And yes, they ARE that noisy!

  3. In all the years I worked around helicopters I never thought the word "elegant" would apply*, but watching this has led to a greater appreciation of drawing lift by creating a vacuum over the aircraft with rotating wings as opposed to forcing yourself aloft through brute force. Elegant as a lightsaber is to a broadsword, vape v weed: clean, civilized, of a better time.

    Haven't seen Palmdale (thank goodness) since I last hitch-hiked out of there over fifty years ago. Back when sonic booms were a near daily thing.

    *There are "elegant" helicopters, just not any of those I ever worked around ...


    The other "Vertical". About 1:30.


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