Friday, August 19, 2022

This is the Modern Far Right

Some buttmunch on Twitter posts a flat-out lie and the mouth-breathing, sub-room-temp-IQ lunatics swing into action:

Boston Children’s Hospital said on Tuesday that its staff has faced a flood of violent threats and harassment sparked by a false claim made by the viral LibsofTikTok Twitter account.

The account, run by [Some Asshole], tweeted on August 11 that “Boston Children's Hospital is now offering ‘gender-affirming hysterectomies’ for young girls.” The claim has been widely debunked by fact-checking groups—but as is typical in anti-trans rhetoric, facts rarely matter, and the claims were shared widely on right-wing social media accounts.

The far-Right is an ideology of hatred, racism and intolerance. To claim otherwise is to deny reality.


  1. Remember, tewshooz, when you pronounce the word "RepubliKKKan", two of the Ks are silent.

  2. Naw the truth is that the KK is really a Q like in Quatar.

    So its pronounced re-pub-bli-C-C-kan wher ehe C is a hard C.
    THe middle part is hard to say as it required uttering a
    hard KKK sequence like a cough or maybe a stutter.

    OR the easy way the Cult of RQP.

    In the end they are fascists promoting echo chamber propaganda
    that has no reality.

    As to the idiots attacking a hospital based on lies, seriously?
    Real brave.


  3. I do wish they were as persecuted as they claim ...

  4. TB,

    They are persecuted like the roman times, they believe that.
    That basis is not unlike other religions where if your not
    them your against them, heretics and blasphemers. That
    belief is what they use to demand others comply. Its also
    when we look at them can call their bluff they feel
    all persecuted by those heathens.

    Unfortunately 1A is believed to give them the right to be
    abusive, assault, and persecute others with no basis of
    law. They not all white supremacists. But most are
    devout hypocrites.

    So to those people;
    We will resist, we will not comply.



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