Thursday, August 25, 2022

Jesus Paying for Your Sins Is an Insult to Those of Us Who Paid for Our Own Sins.

I got nothing more to add. Go read RobertaX's take on it.


  1. So rarely fully acknowledged in all of this is that Jesus was a rabbi, a tssadik. Also that the evangelist may celebrate Jesus and proclaim the weekly Get Out of Sin Free card day, they walk and talk fsar too much a "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God" vengeful Old Testament religion.
    We would all do better to live lives of witness to a faith of grace and light, whatever form that might ta

  2. The "boon for others" as a positive thing resonates and is spot on.

  3. The cost of education has gone out of sight and the interest
    on those loans were at usery rates even when money was cheap.

    Like everything I own I'm glad I did I and payed for it
    as there were no others underwriting it then.

    As to the idea that in general its a good thing, yep.
    The money can be converted into savings, goods, and
    services that will benefit many.



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