Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Backdating Blogger Posts

Yes, you can do that. All the way back to 1970.

I don't know what the rationale for that is, but the Lords of the Google might.


  1. The Gormogons had a post from 1970 for years - actually pretty clever about hacking ARPAnet and how Nixon was a RINO.

    Mostly defunct now, alas - they were intelligent and witty and that's a loss these days.

    - Borepatch

  2. I have a node map for 1973... not many players.
    Then it was DARPA-net.

    Didn't cross 100 until the 1979 late.
    By 1983 Dec had more than 150 nodes and was
    the largest wide area net in the world.

    Arpanet was not all that big and had a lot of college students

    Backdating to the dark ages, that for the Right wing fact creators. ;)


  3. It’s likely a Unix artifact. Unix keeps track of dates and times by counting time from midnight, UTC January 1st, 1970.

  4. Maybe it's like changing actual history in history books to fit a narrative, "See I was right way back then" and "I didn't say that I said this".

  5. You "may" be able to go back to Jan 1, 1970. There is a timestamp embedded deeply way back in Unix days, (still present in Linux and other derivatives) which started counting seconds then. It is a 32 bit signed integer, which means the Y-2^31 day apocalypse will come Tue Jan 19 2038 03:14:08 GMT+0000, 15 years from now.

  6. Sarah, I tried that and it works.


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