Sunday, July 10, 2022

Your Sunday Morning Vortex Turbulence Noise

Not good:

The "three rotor disc width" rule of maintaining separation from a helicopter may not be enough.


  1. Somethin's not quite right about that. That's not the way helicopters work ...

  2. Same here, the Cessna had no chance.

  3. Caution wake turbulence applies for hot and heavy
    anything ahead.

    The Cessna had a chance like waiting maybe 30 seconds
    or more and then climbing fast to be above the choppers
    altitude. I'd bet the ATC asked for no loiter on the

    Hopefully it was not a fatal..


  4. Ouch... The vortex turbulence off helo blades can be wicked, as noted, as it 'bounces' off the ground and back into the air at a good distance from the bird.

  5. Eck, we assume the Cessna was departing. If it was landing, the pilot should have stayed high and touchdown beyond the copter's landing point. But then there may not have been enough runway left for the pilot to feel comfortable. In any case, (as we Monday-morning quarterback) it seems to be pilot error.


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