Saturday, July 16, 2022

You Know That's Never Going to Happen, Don

Nope. Not going to happen. Tuckyo Rose and his ilk will just pretend that they never said that the story was false.


  1. And are you and every Abortion activist gonna apologize for using a 10 year old girl for a media sensation rallying point?
    Her identity would still be secret has y'all not decided to use her.

    I know, your excuse is "Whataboutim".
    An interesting point: There is no 6 week limit in Ohio, but rather a heartbeat law. BUt don't let details get you messed up.

  2. Blowing smoke and stink and deflecting from the point of the post, again, eh?

  3. B: Using my Liberal Superpower (Thanks, Driftglass) of Remembering Stuff, back on 7/10 you said that the story about the poor 10 year old that you would gleefully condemn to motherhood was false, and offered $100 that the story was not true.

    Pay up.

  4. And are you and every Abortion activist gonna apologize for using a 10 year old girl for a media sensation rallying point?

    The only person who was using a 10-year old girl is the rapist. Funny how you don’t excoriate PJ Media or Glenn Kessler doing the same, only they both got the facts wrong. Your willingness to place ideology above accuracy has been noted.

  5. "Tuckyo Rose" nice word play Misfit. It took a moment, but I got it. Of course they'll never apologize, they've invested too many hours deceiving the rubes, so why would they change now. On another note, they won't be offering any sympathy to the 10 year old girl either, who as I understand was raped twice by the same man. Imagine the lasting trauma she will suffer, and that trauma compounded by the state of Ohio refusing much needed healthcare. I find the whole episode disgusting...

  6. Jimmy, that's been a nickname for that particular member of the Hitler Youth because of his full-throated fellating of Putin.

  7. Ah b,

    If words were firearms you would have holes in you legs and
    missing toes. Each shot would be a representation of lies and
    inaccuracies. You really need a course in debating or a better
    propaganda teacher and one that is not the echo chambers you
    gleefully adhere to.

    "B said...
    So it is odd that there are no details of such a heartstring tugging story.
    $100 says it is bullshit."


    I heard a shot, was it your big toe?

    Like the echo chambers he listens to and the grifter he
    kneels to, pay up, seriously? The level of admission
    of complicity in doing that is beyond the pale.
    All of your writing on that story had no sense of
    hope or anything for the potential victim. Not even
    we hope (wish or even pray) that's not true. It was
    all just a gleeful and very hate filled attack
    on "them". Oh, and "them" was not the rapist.

    You really need to read the crap you write in front
    of a mirror in a loud voice. Then ask yourself would
    Saying that out loud get me shown to the door, or maybe
    a beating?

    On topic, the media _ALL_ did a jump on that shit pile.
    The only thing that none of them did was disclose the
    girl's name. Though I expected the Faux Noise echo
    chamber to be the first.

    I can only hope that the girl will somehow recover
    a normal life.


  8. Jimmy t

    "On another note, they won't be offering any sympathy to the 10 year old girl either, who as I understand was raped twice by the same man."

    That they [state, local, and family] didn't do anything helpful
    at all until it had obviously hit the fan. The problem is
    children cannot enforce NO, if they have no support or
    the overall situation is out of control it is horrific.

    We can bet and reasonable in the assumption that what the state
    does will be lawful and totally unhelpful, or worse. The hope
    is she gets an advocate to stand for her.

    So yes, all those that did nothing or managed to not see.
    It is on them.


  9. Dr Who: The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.

  10. Goes to show they don't a flying fig about 'em after they're born.

    All theater, all sunshine up our tailpipe ...

  11. I notice that y'all weren't man enough to take that bet, were you?
    Had you done so, I'd gladly pay up.
    But you didn't. Not one of you took that bet. Not one.


  13. “Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.”

    H. L. Mencken


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