A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Slava Ukraini!
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Supporting the Ukrainians
Putler is putting together a Coalition of the Despicable. The North Koreans may send slave labor to help the Russians. And his semi-ally, Turkey, is being just who they are.
One wonders who is going to play the role of Neville Chamberlain this time around: President Erdogan or President Macron.
The usual arguments against helping the Ukrainians are little more than the same arguements for not helping to stop German aggression in the 1930s: Too far away. Not our fight. It costs too much. We need to put America first. About the only thing missing this time around is a Russian-American Bund, but we sort of have that in the likes of the TOFF and Rand Paul, with Tuckyo Rose playing the role of Charles Coughlin.
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Iran buddied up with Russia and Turkey is the Book of Revelations' Bear of the North ...
ReplyDeleteI do not know what that means, TB.
ReplyDeleteIt's a marker for when the christos' precious lord and master floats down out of the sky on a floating rainbow unicorn to carry them all away to paradise. The forming of the modern "Nation of Israel" is/was one, according to the Book within a generation of the founding of modern Israel. Iran partnering with Russia and Turkey is one step closer to the Armagedón and the Rapture.
ReplyDeleteOf course, none of that is actually in The Book (see the sidebar at my house), it was all cooked up by nineteenth century itinerate (American) preachers.
Con-artists cooking up a good story ...