Friday, July 29, 2022

Recommended Sentence: Lock This Guy in an Iron Box in the Nevada Desert During the Summer for a Few Hours

A man has been arrested after leaving a 3-month-old Husky puppy with its mouth taped shut locked inside a hot car while he gambled at a Las Vegas casino.

The incident occurred on July 20 when the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department received a call from security at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino at 3600 S. Las Vegas Boulevard at approximately 3 p.m. when they discovered a puppy locked inside a vehicle on the top floor of their parking garage with its mouth taped shut, police say.

The dog still is not fully recovered. The sadistic perp should also not fully recover.


  1. I don't recall ever seeing you use profanity, so I won't either.

    But just think of every foul, profane, dirty, scatological, pornographic word you ever heard and know they aren't adequate for someone who would do that to any animal, let alone their own pet.

  2. Tie his hands and tape his mouth ...

  3. Gray Fox, I don't use profanity.

    You are somewhat mistaken.

  4. Having owned a Husky-Corgi mix, I would say that a dog like that shouldn't even be in a hot state like that. Even when it was below zero she insisted on staying outside during the day but would come in during the summer when the air was on. She knew the sound the a/c unit made.

  5. Gray fox, sorry. Punctuation error. The first sentence of my reply should have ended with a question mark.


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