Monday, July 11, 2022

Gaily Tripping Down the Road to Hell with the GOP

The Republican party has increasing embraced militias and violence as political tools.

From the 1870s to the 1960s, this is what the segregationist Democrats in the South also did. It took a Democratic president to break the power of the segregationists by pushing civil rights legislation through into law. The modern-day Confederacy sympathisers in the GOP blocked anti-lynching legislation until this year.

I don't see a prospect in the future of a powerful Republican politician working to break the back of the GOP's current militias. What it is going to take is for people to turn out and vote out those politicians who have aligned themselves with this 21st Century of the Klan and the Brownshirts.

But there is a possibility that things could get worse.

Violence is overwhelmingly concentrated on the right. But as Justice Brett Kavanaugh has discovered, once violence has been legitimated as a tool of politics, no one is safe. Violence begets violence – once its use mainstreams, moderates who espouse non-violence appear anemic and unable to offer protection to their side. The middle weakens, while violence eventually takes on a rhythm of reprisal far removed from the original causes.

Those of us in the middle need to watch our backs, vote the fuckers out, and keep our powder dry.


  1. Title misspell: want embraced, not embrased.

  2. Thank you very much for catching those.


  3. As we’ve now said on our first-ever About Us page on our website, there’s something unique about humankind’s relationship with spices that time and again have caused spices to be a driving force for change. We live in a time calling out for change and for solutions to the very real problems our country and our planet face. There’s two very different futures ahead for us totally dependent on whether we solve these problems or not. With so much at stake we feel obligated to use the unique position spices hold in our lives to try to help promote the solutions to these problems as best we can.

    Watching the slow decline of the Republican Party over the last half century, and the steep decline/bottom falling out over the last decade, it can be easy to see the nonsense that has overtaken the party as pretty much random. Once you start seriously looking at the problems America and the world face and who and what are standing in the way of solving those problems, it quickly becomes clear there is nothing random to what the Republicans are promoting.

  4. We are reaching the point where moderation is an extremist position.

  5. What I don't get is why our ruling oligarchs think they can let the violence genie out of the bottle and think it will be only the little people in body bags. I'm constantly surprised no C4 loaded drone has yet been directed in to Air Force One, the Senate, White House or Elongated Musk's jet or limo. How hard would it be? Not to mention you'd think a civil war would be bad for business. But what do I know? Our masters must know what they're doing, they are rich.

  6. Sounds like north Ireland, over and over again.

    So after a generations fighting killing will be because
    your daddy did it to mine.

    The only thing I'd say is like a knifefight it will
    be bloody.

    Yes the Q-Rethugs need a 12 step.


  7. See also: BLM for where violence is concentrated in the right.
    The Left uses violence too. They stir up a mob and then let them loose.
    If you believe that the BLM violence was grasroots then you are a fool.
    So far the Leftist violence has cost more in both property damage dollars and lives, not to mention reinforcing the beliefs that Black people are violent and guaranteeing at least a generation of lack of investment in Black neighborhoods due to the riots and property destruction.

  8. Yes, we all know that you believe that a riot after a civil-rights march is the equivalent to storming the Capitol in an attempt to interfere with the certification of the election and to install Your Dear Fuhrer for another four years.

    Everyone who is a regular here knows this.


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