Saturday, July 9, 2022

Another "Rational" Republican

TOFF's choice for Secretary of State in Michigan has said that abortion is "satanic child sacrifice", and, even whackier, thinks that, well...

"If a person has demonic possession — I know it's gonna sound really crazy to me saying that for some people, thinking like what?!" Karamo said in September 2020. "But having intimate relationships with people who are demonically possessed or oppressed — I strongly believe that a person opens themselves up to possession. Demonic possession is real."

Right. Demonic possession is a STD.

This is beyond snarking. This is patent insanity.



  1. It won't be considered insanity when it's part of the 2024 Republican Party platform!

  2. Have we already forgotten Christine O'Donnell? I'm Not A Witch!

  3. Reminds me of that "America's Front Line Doctors" lady (not the one who just got 30 days for being in the Jan. 6 riot, but another one) who claimed that endometriosis and ovarian cysts were caused by having sex with demons in one's dreams.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. A check up from the neck up is advised. There is a very
    tenuous grip on reality there and maybe she should be
    red flagged.

    Then again most of those people acting like that are
    projecting their own issues and lies.


  5. So does amoxicillin work for all demons, or just the gorram positive ones?


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