Sunday, July 31, 2022

A True Great Has Passed

Bill Russell, the NBA great who anchored a Boston Celtics dynasty that won 11 championships in 13 years — the last two as the first Black head coach in any major U.S. sport — and marched for civil rights with Martin Luther King Jr., died Sunday. He was 88.

He was a champion basketball player in an era when Black players weren't fully accepted. He was the first superstar, the true GOAT. Russell was known for being a team player, passing the ball to others who scored. His team won more championships than that steakhouse dude who some think is the GOAT.


  1. And he was a truly honorable man. May he rest in peace.

  2. Watched him play in the 60's. Usually against Wilt

    Bill Russell: The Psych...and My Other Tricks

  3. I liked him when I was a kid because he rode a motorcycle and once took lessons from Gary Bailey and raced motocross once. When I was a kid I lived for motocross.

    A smart man and a great athlete.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. And also Lt Uhuru passed away today.


  5. Arrgh! I remember him well. Havaleck talked about warmups in the locker room "... and Russell is in the bathroom throwing up".

    A great player and a great personality.

    Gray Wolf


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