Friday, May 6, 2022

More Evidence That the GOP is the Anti-Humanity Party

The GOP might as well ditch that tired old elephant and adopt a burning cross as its symbol.

Exhibit 1:

Gov. Greg Abbott wants Texas to challenge a 1982 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that requires states to offer free public education to all children, including those of undocumented immigrants.

That ruling, known as Plyler v. Doe, struck down a Texas law that had denied state funding to educate children who had not been "legally admitted" to the United States.

Next up on the execution block: The requirement that all children, including disabled kids, receive a free and appropriate education. After that, Titl IX in sports will be targeted. Because girls don't need to play sports, they only need to know how to cook, clean, and sew.

The GOP is showing its true roots: White, Christian, native-born men need only apply. If they have their way, those will be the only people who can go to school past the fourth grade and the only ones who will hold jobs outside of domestic and agricultural work.


  1. In science fiction its exciting if we beat an illness or
    get into space.

    Yet we have alternative fiction where the world turns
    dystopian and the GQP working to make it real.




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