Friday, January 7, 2022

Heh. Heh. Heh; Insurrection Ed.

Stephen Colbert's cold open from last night:

What the Rude Pundit has to say is worth reading.


  1. Not to distract from the humor, indeed, if I may reassure ... As I recall, I’m sure if someone were interested, they could look it up: when Merrick Garland prosecuted Tim McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing …

    There were no leaks, there were no appeals, and there were no acquittals.

    I admit I at the time found it ... suspect. That was then, this is now.

    If I was willing to give President Joe the benefit of the doubt, I would think the lefties could give Merrick Garland the benefit of the doubt ...

  2. I'm gonna second what Ten Bears said, and drop this off...


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