Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Millions of Free Publicity for The World's Richest Man

Blue Origin successfully launched its first six-person crew into space on Saturday (Dec. 11), and in the process, set six new space records.

From the tallest person to fly into space to the first parent-child pair to lift off together, the six newly-qualified astronauts made history on board Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket. The crew included former football star-turned-TV anchor Michael Strahan and Laura Shepard Churchley, the eldest daughter of Alan Shepard, the first American astronaut to fly into space and the namesake for Blue Origin's suborbital launch vehicle

ABC covered this non-event with wall-to-wall coverage. One might have thought that they were landing people on Mars, for all of the breathless coverage that they laid down.

What it really was that ABC gave Bezos's space-penis hours and hours of "news" coverage in exchange for flying Strahan, gratis.

The FAA, finally coming to the recognition that all of these space tourists are engaging in an activity not much more difficult than taking an airline flight, has announced that they're stopping giving out junior astronaut wings to space-passengers.


  1. From the Right Stuff.
    "Anybody who goes up in the damn thing's gonna be Spam in a can.

  2. I can't even look at Bezos anymore without thinking how much he looks like Lex Luthor.


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