Sunday, October 10, 2021

Virginia Beach is a Good Old Racist Town -- Prove Me Wrong

Jannique Martinez says that since July, her family has had to endure recordings of loud, screeching monkey noises and recordings of racial slurs directed toward their Virginia Beach, Va., home every time they leave or enter their residence.

Martinez — who is Black — claims her neighbor has set up motion sensors to detect the family’s movements and harass them. But police, citing no physical confrontation or verbal threats, have said there is nothing they can do.

This week, following national news attention, Martinez said the loud noises coming from her neighbor’s home have finally stopped. But, she says, the neighbor continues to display dizzying strobe lights.

I'll bet that if the neighbor of one of their cops did the same to one of the city's police officers, they'd figure out a way to deal with it, right fucking quick.

The cops, apparently, are saying "no problem, here The perp seems to be some aging unemployed white dude who lives with his mother:
No bet as to whom this asswipe voted for.

This bullshit has been going on for years and now, only with it gaining traction on news media, is the city mulling over what they can do about that racist prick.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like at least Disturbing the Peace would apply. They need a real cop department, not one of those "maybe we will, maybe we won't" cop shops.
    I suppose demolishing the sensors would be considered a prosecutable offense.


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