Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Books Are the Books, the TV Show is the TV Show, and the Money is the Money

A TV adaptation of the late Sue Grafton’s million-selling Kinsey Millhone mystery novels, a prospect the author once swore she would return from the dead to prevent, is now the works.
“I will never sell (Kinsey) to Hollywood. And, I have made my children promise not to sell her. We’ve taken a blood oath, and if they do so I will come back from the grave: which they know I can do,” she told January Magazine. “They’re going to have to pass the word on to my grandchildren: we do not sell out our grandma.”

Grafton’s daughter Jamie Clark reaffirmed her mother’s vow when announcing her death four years ago, but the author’s husband and executive producer of the series, Steve Humphrey, says he and the family have agreed that the times — and the medium — have changed.

I call horseshit. The author didn't want her works sold for adaptation, but now she's long dead and her family has decided that they'd best grab the money whilst the grabbing is good.


  1. Integrity is doing the right thing even when on one is watching or knowing. Respecting a deceased loved one’s wishes and adhering to them is a form of integrity. Seems the family is lacking it.


  2. Look at who made the TV money from Laura Ingalls Wilder's books.


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