Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Vanity of the Donald

A new book by the former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, “I’ll Take Your Questions Now,” revealed some fun facts about Donald J. Trump on Tuesday. One of the biggest bombshells was about the former president’s mysterious visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in 2019, which Grisham said was for a colonoscopy that Trump stayed conscious for, in part to keep late night television hosts from finding out and making fun of him.

Didn't work.

“I have to say, it gives me a lot of satisfaction, as a late night talk show host, to know that he opted to stay awake while they augered his innards with a sewer snake specifically because he didn’t want us making fun of him,” Jimmy Kimmel said.

Some one-liners:

“The doctors said the hardest thing about giving Trump a colonoscopy was getting the camera around Mike Pence’s nose.” — JIMMY KIMMEL

“Yeah, colonoscopy was no big deal — they only found three polyps and Rudy Giuliani.” — JIMMY FALLON

“Oh, my God, that had to be terrible — for the doctor who had to give a colonoscopy while the guy on the table kept screaming about how he won Michigan.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

There is something seriously wrong with that old man, bless his heart. Yet tens of millions people have, essentially, sworn loyalty oaths to him.


  1. My disappointment is with all the insiders that are now coming out with their tell-all books. Where was the disgust while they were working in the administration? Where was their sense of morality when they were next to the guy? Where was their patriotism when TFG went off the rails?

    This was the plan all along. Keep quiet and move along, I'll make money off my book deal when the next guy gets elected. No thanks. You've shown me that you're not to be trusted.

    The saddest part is that there are STILL millions of lemmings that follow him, idolizing his racist and misogynistic attitudes. Because it mirrors their own beliefs perhaps?


  2. As my sister in law says "every day we love him more, he is Gods annoited PRAISE JAYZUUS"
    how do you argue with that kind of devotion?

  3. THe doctor doing the 'scope....

    wow, is there no end to this ass!

    ba da thump.


  4. How they managed to avoid injuring his head, they don't say.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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