Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Well, Well, Well, Here Come the Consequences of Their Actions

Nine lawyers allied with former President Donald Trump face financial penalties and other sanctions after a judge Wednesday said they had abused the court system with a lawsuit that challenged Michigan’s election results in favor of Joe Biden.

U.S. District Judge Linda Parker said the lawsuit last fall was a sham intended to deceive the court and the public, just a few days after Biden’s 154,000-vote victory in the state was certified.

“Despite the haze of confusion, commotion and chaos counsel intentionally attempted to create by filing this lawsuit, one thing is perfectly clear: Plaintiffs’ attorneys have scorned their oath, flouted the rules, and attempted to undermine the integrity of the judiciary along the way,” Parker said in the opening of a scathing 110-page opinion.

Pass the popcorn.


  1. I applaud that they are finally correcting this, but the horse is out of the barn, I'd say. That crap could easily have affected the election's outcome.
    This correction should have been made in days, not months.
    Just saying

  2. If they can hold off til New years eve, then after Presnident Trumps triumphant return they will all be pardoned. Sarcasm intended.


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