Sunday, June 13, 2021

Bye-Bye, Bibi

For now, that is.

Israel’s parliament on Sunday narrowly approved a new coalition government, ending the historic 12-year rule of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and sending the polarizing leader into the opposition.

Naftali Bennett, a former ally of Netanyahu turned rival, became prime minister after the 60-59 vote. Promising to try to heal a divided nation, Bennett will preside over a diverse and fragile coalition comprised of eight parties with deep ideological differences.

Netanyahu left with all of the grace and civilized courtesy displayed by Cadet Bone Spurs.

Still, Bennett needs to watch his back in a very real sense.


  1. Israel's new prime minister and Joe Biden have one thing in common: they were elected by a diverse coalition that doesn't agree on anything except that the former guy has to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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