Sunday, March 21, 2021

Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise

Focke Wulf 190:

There's a story of a company that, during the war, ran a full-page ad in Life or Look with the headline "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Focke Wulf". (Companies ran such ads to keep their names in consumbers' mids come the end of the war.) The airmen of a bomber group wrote "we are" in large letters, everyone signed it, and they sent it to the company.


  1. Youtube channel "Greg's Airplanes and Automobiles" has a recent video on why the '190 was so fast. I can't nor won't speak to the accuracy of what Greg has to say, but might make for interesting viewing / listening.

  2. When you consider what they had to work with from 1943 onward, and who was in charge, they designed and engineered some pretty amazing stuff.

  3. The BMW radial is definitely a 'different' sounding radial. The aero design was better than most of the others, with that shroud over the radial, and the flared back of the canopy.

  4. "Greg..." does a good job of showing his work on YouTube. For instance, in his 7 or 8 part series on the P-47.
    I did not know how much I didn't know about aircraft engine superchargers until watching his videos.


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