Monday, March 8, 2021

The Hinkle Tree Died Last Year

I picked up a compilation of Lewis Grizzard's columns from the library. In a column titled "Golf, or a Reasonable Facsimile Thereof," he mentioned a tree planted to stop a shortcut shot. It seems that a course had a dog-leg hole and one of the competitiors in a torunament, Lon Hinkle, realized that if he shot into the next fairway, he could aim straight for the pin and cut off some distance.

So he did and, in response, they immediately planted a tree there. Hinkle shot over it anyway.

The tree had to be cut down last year.

But that's the sort of thing that passes for excitement and scandal in the world of golf.


  1. It was spam, Tod, and it’s gone.

  2. I've seen this elsewhere this morning as Instagram Bellen, do not click the link.

    [Yes yes yes, I know, I don't need to tell you that, but till I figure it out ...]

  3. I've just slagged another one.

    A couple of more of these and I'm going to go full moderation.

  4. I once heard Grizzard say, following his fourth divorce that instead of getting married again he'd just find a woman he hates and give her his house.


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