Sunday, March 21, 2021

Niuta Tajtelbaum, a Righteous and Heroic Woman

[Niuta] walked into the Gestapo headquarters in the high-security police district in Warsaw dressed as a Polish farm girl with a kerchief on her head.

With an innocent look, she asked for a certain officer, her target, about a “personal matter”. Assuming she was pregnant, the guards gave her a pass to the building and told her where to find her “boyfriend”.

She walked into a private office and shot the astonished German in the head with a pistol fitted with a silencer.
In another operation, she killed two Gestapo officers and wounded a third, an agent of the feared organisation. After the wounded agent was taken to the hospital, she disguised herself as a doctor, entered the hospital and killed both the Gestapo agent and his guard.

Other reports state that she disguised herself as a nurse which, given the times, may be more plausible. The Germans called her "Little Wanda with the braids" and they offered a large reward for her (150,000 zlotys, equivalent to $40,000 then and $608,000 today).

She was eventually captured by the Gestapo, tortured and killed.

1 comment:

  1. An anti-fascist ~ antifa ~ assassin.

    Not a White Rose, but certainly worthy.


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