Monday, March 1, 2021

Cuomo Tells His Accusers to Lighten Up, or
A Big Difference Between the Democrats and the GQP

In a statement released amid mounting criticism from within his own party, [Cuomo] maintained he had never inappropriately touched or propositioned anyone. But he said he had teased people about their personal lives in an attempt to be “playful.”

“I now understand that my interactions may have been insensitive or too personal and that some of my comments, given my position, made others feel in ways I never intended. I acknowledge some of the things I have said have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation. To the extent anyone felt that way, I am truly sorry about that,” he said.

that's the traditional non-apology apology from politicians- "I'm sorry that you were offended by what I said/did," which is bullshit. It puts the onus on the other person for not giving the perpetrator a break.

But the big difference between Democrats and TFG's party is that very few Democrats are stepping up to back Cuomo. It is possible that nobody wants to get Cuomo's stench on them, especially after he got caught lying about Covid deaths in nursing homes. Cuomo has a tendency to be petty and imperious.

Cuomo's main sin is that he's not TFG. Cuomo hasn't done a single thing that TFG didn't do on at least a monthly basis.


  1. People wonder why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between the two "parties".

    I can't be screwed any harder than I already have, don't matter who did, is or will be doin' the screwin' ~ they're all the same. We have to stop doing what we're doing. It isn't working.

  2. Power/wealth is both the ultimate aphrodisiac (even if it involves selective blindness in women susceptible to it) and something which puts its possessor in a bubble that makes (usually a) him entitled to anything (usually) he desires.
    Myself, I wonder if getting hit over the head with a blunt object every few days would help most men (and occasionally me).
    In Ancient Rome, a slave would continuously whisper 'Remember you are mortal' in the ears of victorious generals as they were paraded through the streets after coming home, triumphant, from battle"

  3. Gloria gets sick on the bus on Mondays.

  4. I read someone on Twitter who said that folks who only knew Cuomo the TV character were now getting to know Cuomo the newspaper character.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. The Republicans understand that the Democrats must never, under any circumstances, be given a scalp. That is what the whole circle-the-wagons-around-Trump business is, which is otherwise incomprehensible.

    We need to understand the same thing.

    Cuomo does not exist. No individual politician (candidate, officeholder, appointee) exists. He is not a Republican. That is all that need be known about him, and all that can be known.


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