Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Come to Texas: Our Electrical Grid Sucks and You May Not Die of COVID

Texas on Tuesday became the biggest state to lift its mask rule, joining a rapidly growing movement by governors and other leaders across the U.S. to loosen COVID-19 restrictions despite pleas from health officials not to let their guard down yet.

The case count has dropped, but it's still higher than it was last summer:
What the Dumbshit of Texas says is that people should act responsibly without state guidance. So they might as well have the Texas DOT paint over all of the lane markers, pull down the one-way signs on the highway, remove the speed limit signs and just tell people "drive responsibly". Because freedom and, if you want to drive at 150MPH on I-610, knock yerself out.


  1. "Became the biggest state to lift the mask requirement"

    To be fair, ain't too many bigger

  2. We're bigger, population-wise, and I wouldn't be surprised if Gavin Reptile lifts all restrictions here to head off his recall...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Even though she's a hard-core trump-sucker, a "Proud Deplorable", the post at the top of my mother's blog this morning is "I'm scared" ...


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