Friday, March 5, 2021

As the Wheels of Justice Grind; Insurrection Ed.

A former State Department aide in President Donald Trump’s administration has been charged with participating in the deadly siege at the Capitol and assaulting officers who were trying to guard the building, court papers show.
[Federico] Klein was arrested Thursday in Virginia and faces charges including obstructing Congress and assaulting officers using a dangerous weapon.
Klein became a staff assistant in the State Department shortly after Trump’s inauguration in 2017, according to a financial disclosure report. He held a top secret security clearance that was renewed in 2019, according to the court papers. He resigned from his position on Jan. 19, the day before Joe Biden was sworn in as president, authorities said.

In the ranking of defendants to choose "who are we going to make an example of," ol' Freddie is going to be pretty high up on the list. And he should be.

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