Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Arresting the Tambourine Lady/Cop

A retired NYPD officer has been arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol building on the January 6th — then shaking a tambourine as she appeared to cheer on the pro-Trump mob inside the rotunda, according to federal authorities.

Sara Carpenter, a 51-year-old resident of Richmond Hill, Queens, surrounded to federal authorities on Tuesday morning for her alleged role in the insurrection, which left five people dead, including a U.S. Capitol police officer.

Since they let her out (ROR) after she confessed to what she did and surrendered her tambourine, one assumes that the Feds don't think she's much of a flight risk.


  1. Let's just hope that the Fergus appointed moron hasn't bollixed the prosecutions by giving that TV interview about an ongoing investigation.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. That'll ring down through the ages: she took a tambourine to an insurrection.

    What was that old joke about when god handed out brains she thought he said trains?

  3. At least she didn’t bring a bag of knitting.

  4. As the Pence tumbrels roll?
    Careful of those knitting needles, field expedient bayonets. I wonder does she promise to go wanderin'? I do know that there is no place she's a goin' to. Maybe for years.

  5. Only thing better would've been someone banging on the bongos ...


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