Friday, January 8, 2021

Welcome to the Party, Pal; Twitter Ed.

From Twitter's head shed:

After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them — specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter — we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.

Late to the game, but OK. Funny that they waited until two weeks before Trump left to do this It's not as though Trump's been following Twitter's rules for years and just had a lapse in judgment.

Word on the evening news is that Trump is regretting his condemnation of the participants in the Beer-Belly Putsch. Just like in Charlottesville, where he later regretted condemning the Tiki-Torch Nazis. Trump is what he is, a wannabee dictator and a nazi to his hollowed core.


  1. It's probably not a coincidence that Facebook and Twitter both took action against the damn fool the week the senate committees were definitely going to have Democratic chairs again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Yes, and Pence's gelatinous backbone is again deliquesing into tapioca after he once showed enough sense and spine to call out the Guard when trump sent his mobs rampaging after Pence's head. They even had the plastic handcuffs and noose ready, chanting "where's Pence? Where's Pence?" Guess if they'd cornered him it would have been another El Duce/Clara Patachi scene. Since trump was reportedly really digging the violence and rioting he surely would have appreciated seeing that turncoat Pence strung up. Great TV ratings, that's what matters. The execution of Pence on live teevee, more viewers than the last episode of MASH, sensational.
    But I guess Pence forgives him for attempting to have him torn to pieces in a bacchanal, God's man, after all. Not Pence's place to judge God's man, I guess. Or else Pence thinks the Trumpites will forgive his foul treason against the God Emperor and he can keep his political career. But that will never happen. Like Bush, you are with him or you are his enemy. But trump served his purpose by appointing many Christian reactionary judges and passing many important religious statutes such as huge tax cuts for the rich.

  3. Does he have another option? Or are "patriots" reduced to saying " I know a guy who talked to trump and he said....."

  4. First he was using a staffer's account, but that was when the ban was temporary. Now he's ranting on the official POTUS account, and some of those tweets have been removed, and he loses access to it the 20th.
    Guess he will have to go to Parler with the riff raff.
    He was yawping about creating his own platform, but I'll believe that when I see it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. If there's going to be an official POTUS twitter account (& I am extremely skeptical that such a thing should even exist), it should have continuity between administrations & be managed by identifiable, accountable people.Twitter acts to replace the press conference ( with inconvenient questions), with the balcony speech.Not like this has never been done before

  6. The entire lot of you are filled with hatred, a cancer that eats away at your being and soul. You are all lost souls. Donald Trump was and will always be the best American President ever.

  7. Sir, you are delusional and far beyond my poor abilities to assist.

    Au revoir.


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