Saturday, January 23, 2021

Farewell, Ambassador Delenn

Babylon 5 and Lost actress Mira Furlan has died at the age of 65, her family and management have confirmed.

Furlan played Minbari Ambassador Delenn in the 1990s sci-fi TV drama, Babylon 5, and Danielle Rousseau in the noughties mystery drama, Lost.

Her family told the BBC the Croatian actress died on Wednesday due to complications with West Nile Virus.

Many of the graphics in Babylon 5 don't stand up very well, CGI was pretty much in its infancy. But the stories were powerful. Babylon 5 changed televised science fiction from self-contained episodes (or two-part episodes) to arcs that spread over more than one season and which had complex and engaging characters. Delenn was one of the most powerful of the characters in the show and Furlan played the role to the hilt.

It's almost too bad it was fiction, for sitting down to dinner with G'Kar over a plate of breen would have been delightful.


  1. I felt she was the heart and brains of that show. That why excellent diplomats are even more important than the military generals and admirals.

    As Churchill said "Meeting jaw to jaw is better than war".

  2. "...As Churchill said..."

    Not if the people behind you are convinced that talking signifies surrender. The problem is not the generals.

  3. Didn't say generals were the problem. They are important parts of a national security team.The best even become diplomats, like George C. Marshall.

    Diplomats when they are competent are a very important part, and if they do their jobs right, war does not happen.

    Case in point,the US State Department originated the Marshall Plan and the Containment Policy that eventually destroyed the USSR and Communism without a major war and loss of millions of lives.

  4. Breen, our word for those things that seem to transcend cultures and races.

    Its the idea that many peoples (or B5 other races not earthings) can
    develop the same thing especially foods and without an apparent link.
    Creativity is wonderful.


  5. I'd go "Walkabout" for some Swedish Meatballs right now!

  6. B5 always seemed like the future we'd probably get, unlike Star Trek. And the way they handled time travel was--perfect.

    Goodbye, Ambassador.

  7. Garibaldi said: "Maybe somebody should've labelled the future 'some assembly required'."

    He was right.


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