Friday, December 18, 2020

Trump's 2020 Campaign Was a Monumental Grift

About a half of the money raised was funnelled off by Kusher and the Trump family:

Jared Kushner approved the creation of a shell company that operated like a “campaign within a campaign” and secretly funneled millions of dollars in campaign cash to Trump family members, Business Insider reports. The company, American Made Media Consultants Corporation and American Made Media Consultants LLC, took more than half of the Trump campaign’s massive $1.26 billion war chest and was largely shielded from having to publicly report financial details. However, a source told Business Insider that Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump was the company’s president, Vice President Mike Pence’s nephew was its VP, and Trump campaign CFO Sean Dollman was treasurer and secretary.

More here and here.

That explains the reports that the Trump campaign couldn't afford to match Biden's spending late in the campaign. Funnelling money through a shell corporation to skim off cash is an old Trump family trick,

Trump and his family have played their donors for suckers.



  1. Nerly every candidate has a company that does the media buys and other stuff like that for the campaign.

    Barry did it, Bush did it, most failed candidates did it (both sides). Senators and Congrescritters do it too. I do not know it Joe did it this year, but I would not be surprised.

    As a rule, the rake-off is over 7%

    This isn't new.
    And it is not, at least, influence peddling like Hunter....

  2. I will confess that I am going to enjoy watching your symptoms of Biden Derangement Syndrome manifest themselves. Especially when Trump's kids trotted around the globe, using their dad's prestige to arrange deals, and you said not a word. All of their grifting and you were fine with it.

    Trump supporters have zero, I repeat, zero grounds to call anyone else corrupt.

  3. B, reality called, it said to remind you it exists.

  4. What's with the Barry/Bush bullshit, b? Can you be anymore blatant?

  5. tRump doesn't seem to know how to make money. All of his business adventures have failed or are failing as we speak. What the "man" (and I use that term very loosely with him) seems to know how to do best is to skim money off of a functioning business. He wants to be a gangster, a form of parasite, but they at least knew enough to let the business make enough to stay open. He is ignorant of that concept, he just figures a new business to rob is around the next corner.
    He is profoundly greedy and ignorant at the same time. The US is just another failed business to him, on to bigger and more lucrative grift.
    He sure did clean out the treasury on his way through.


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