Sunday, November 15, 2020

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

A 1/6th scale model of an An-225:


  1. Think you'd have to be Russian mafia to afford that thing.

  2. That thing's got plenty of speed, certainly fast than "scale speed".
    On the ground, it looked like two turbine engines (left and right inboard) and four electric fans. If it was only two turbines, and they lost one in flight, getting that big bird down in one piece would be, ahem, interesting ... anything known about the tech specs on it?

  3. Brad, I searched, briefly, and found nothing.

  4. Better than having only one, like some helos I've known.

    Pretty darn nimble fer sur, doubt very much the real deal could pull those turns. I'm also finding it hard to believe it's only 1/6th scale. First glace at both the model and the headline I thought 1/16th, or somewhere there between. I also thought, until I could hear it, they might all be fans.

    Sounds cool.

  5. Even at 1/6 scale, fed ex or Amazon might be interested might be kind of hard to find pilots.....

  6. Interesting model, and I 'think' it's smaller than 1/6th scale too. Not sure what they are using for the motive power, considering it looks like the outboards are electric? Thanks for posting this!


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