Thursday, November 5, 2020

As Trump Fumes and Exercises His Senses of Grievance and Entitlement.....

The cornonavirus pandemic keeps burning through this country:

Thanks to the leadership (or lack thereof) of Donald John Fucking Trump, the United States leads the world in new cases of Covid-19 and in deaths from the virus.


  1. But it's just the flu.


  2. 'Muirkkka (does a little fist pump) Foke Yeah!

    We're Number One!

  3. The line below that, India, makes an interesting comparison and shows how badly we have failed!

  4. Nasty bug.

    Seems Nunavut (arctic circle region) was the only place that
    had 0 cases. Now its not. The bug made it there and has
    sickened one person before being discovered and they are in
    quarantine. The First Nations region is prepared and has
    basically locked down as the nearest facility to do serious
    care is only 35 beds. So they are trying to stop it before
    it gets a foothold.

    They are trying to figure out how (and contact trace) it got
    up there as any travel in Canada is limited by a 2 week
    quarantine prior to arrival.

    If anything not taking precaution is the fast way to fail
    and even with procedures in effect it can fail if the
    smallest detail is missed.



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