Friday, November 13, 2020

306 Electoral Votes

That's where Joe Biden stands, plus a popular vote margin of over five million.

FYI, in 2016, Trump had 304 electoral votes and lost the popular vote by three million.

That's going to leave a mark.


  1. guess there goes chump's "hugest" victory in the history of the universe!

  2. Nah, Trump and his zombies believe in the Divine Right of Trump. People are like that: reason and facts are supine and complicit before the supremacy of belief. Fiery letters 20' tall, even anti-tank weaponry won't even scratch the paint on their One True Belief. To crib an old fundamentalist creed, Trump says it, I believe it and that settles it. They sneer at the credible fools who believe in facts and science. The One High Church of Flim-Flam, bow before the altar.


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