Sunday, September 20, 2020

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

Sumdood built his own jet engine, complete with afterburner:

I don't know if he flies it. I don't really want to know.


  1. I'll bet it'd make a '67 Impala fly.

  2. Why fly when you can roll...different guy, same Darwin Award push...

  3. Was it just an optical illusion, or was the left-hand side of that actually starting to *flex* after it got white-hot? Thinking if he (?) is ever going to mount this in any kind of vehicle, will need something that retains strength when that hot, or cool it somehow.

  4. Regenerative cooling, use some of that heat to gassify
    the fuel prior to combustion. Also a fan to get airflow
    around it would help plus if ducted would add thrust.

    Problem when you get even the best high temp metal that hot
    it's going to be an issue.

    However as a brassboard for the working model it has potential.


  5. Nope, that sucker is running just a 'bit' hot...


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