Friday, September 11, 2020

Nineteen Years

A child who was born on the day of the 9-11 attacks and the immediate aftermath, is a legal adult. They can do everything except buy liquor, cigarettes or handguns.

A distant relative came home from a combat deployment to Afghanistan. That is a war that was put into motion by a bunch of people who were completely ignorant of such difficult subjects as "geography" and "history".

A tad under three thousand people were killed. In response, we scrapped many of our principles as a democracy. We embraced torture. We threw away the rule of law. We destabilized much of the Middle East. We remain tied to the one nation who essentially underwrote the 9-11 attacks. We amped up the militarization of the police. We threw away most of the Fourth Amendment by legalizing "sneak-and-peek" covert searches.

All that for three thousand dead people. The administration in power kept pushing for more restrictions, more security measures, all to prevent another attack. An Orwellian federal department was spun into being. The Traffic Light of Death blinked up and down at every challenge to the administration's authority. (Also this.)

For sixty times that many dead, the current administration can't be bothered with doing much of anything, other than race-based fearmongering.

The old saying was true: A small number of deaths is a tragedy, a large number is only statistics. That is the guiding principle for the current administration.

And as far as what's going on in the West Coast right now, what you hear from Trump is: "What wildfires?" Because the fires are in blue states, he doesn't give a shit.


  1. Well said, Comrade. I too have been put off by the attitude of 9/11 was horrible and this is "crickets" or even worse "fake news". 195,000 Americans cringe in their graves over that comment.
    I can't help but be horrified by the huge and rising death toll as well as the lack of any plan to fight it.
    And now to hear that Donny wasn't that stupid but worse, he did know and did the opposite.
    Maybe if/when we get rid of Donny and can get this virus finally under control, then we can enact a remembrance for the victims of the tRump virus.

  2. "9/11", as it is told, is a hoax.

    The Trump Pandemic is not.


    Should the comments get into 9/11 conspiracy theories, this thread will be locked up.

    Govern yourselves accordingly.

  4. OK, I guess I made my comparison comment in the wrong thread, before I saw this one, but at least it seems we were thinking along similar lines.
    The Rude Pundit had a few things to say about the revisionist history around the attack that I found bracing as someone who was a continent away from the supposed unity:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. I don't think its so much conspiracy theory as the Drumpf treating it
    like its fake news, so much like covid.

    If it is convenient for him its useful, if not, its fake, hoax, or lies.
    Disasters, deaths, destruction, damage all parts of the Drumpf years.

    A lot of people died, many more suffer from the after effects both
    emotional and medical from working the pile and friends and family
    that were lost.

    Today the same inattention and neglect has people dieing.



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