Saturday, September 5, 2020

Guess Shit Doesn't Float; Trump Boat Parade Ed.

Several Boats Sink During ‘Trump Boat Parade’ in Texas, Officials Say

There was no immediate word about casualties at the event, which was taking place on Lake Travis.
A spokesperson for the Travis County sheriff’s office in Texas says “several” boats sank Saturday while taking part in a parade in support of President Donald Trump.

“We responded to multiple calls of boats in distress, several of them sank,” but there are no reports of fatalities or injuries and investigators have not determined how many boats sank on the lake near Austin, according to sheriff’s spokesperson Kristen Dark.
Meanwhile, in Arizona:
Boat catches fire in Thompson bay Lake Havasu after participating in a Trump parade.
I do hope that nobody was hurt, for then I can enjoy a fine glass of Schadenfreude '20.

On Twitter, #Dumbkirk is trending.


  1. Only the best people....

    Remember to replace or close the drain before placing boat
    in the water.

    Me I'd take a small sailer out and play with them being the
    sail has right of way. Something in the 16-19 foot single
    handed rig would be fine.

    Flags, USA, Jolly Roger, and maybe dump-trump on the mast.


  2. Eck, with the seamanship they've demonstrated to this point, I wouldn't put much faith in their understanding of the rules of the road. Or respect for them.

  3. Did someone fall out a window? Other than those bankers in Russia who may have said more than they should have.

    With all those typically obese on board I wouldn't be surprised if they swamped in your sailboat wake Eck!

  4. Actually most sailors of that size I'm thinking of would not swamp
    say a 16ft day sailor or my favorite a Rhodes-19. On a nice day
    without that insanity a 19ft Lighting. The rules, they (power boat)
    hit a sailboat and they own it, nearly universal.

    The problem was their own cause, small body of water, people
    tearing around making big wakes added to winds over 10kts.
    Used to see that kind of fun in Huntington Bay about mid summer.
    The CG and Harbor patrols would be busy, I pulled a few out myself
    and tied a line on their boat and dragged it to shore where its
    their problem. Water soaked engines and electronics are always
    great fun and expense, worse with saltwater. Combine no or little
    experience, alcohol, and no boating skills makes for a mess.



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