Friday, September 18, 2020

CDC Bangs a Uey on Testing

 The CDC has reversed the testing advice that was inserted by the Trumpist appointees who were more concerned with following the diktats of their Orange Overlord than recommending what was grounded in medicine and science.

This comes after the New York Times story dropped about how the political appointees, including, apparently, a certain nutbag, changed the guidance.  The story went on to describe how the Trumpanzees at the Department of Health and Human Services have basically been vandalizing the CDC's website to ensure that it is in accord with Trump's propaganda, rather than disfavored things such as "science" and "facts". 

It's gotten to the point that all I can muster the energy to do is point out the stupidity of the Trump Administration and its evil machinations.  Outrage will have to be presumed.

Speaking of outrage, the AP has identified who ICE's Dr. Mengele is.


  1. *Trump has thrown America's reputation in his golden shitter and flushed 15 times.

    We simply cannot allow him 4 more years to continue pulling the handle. This country cannot survive another civil war.

    Pushing everyone I know to vote for Joe in person or drop off their ballot at a collection point. Even convinced a couple of waffling family members to switch to the blue team. GOTV folks, it's now or never.

  2. Regarding the Dr. Mengele of ICE:

    If he's paid by the procedure, simply doing a hysterectomy on every women he can find, whether she needs one or not, can feather a very nice nest. Betcha six cents that' the motivation.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank


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