Friday, September 25, 2020

Ain't It Great to Live in a Country Where a Billionaire Can Catch a Break?

Two solicitation of prostitution charges filed against New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft in Florida were dropped Thursday, court documents show.
What a country!


  1. What is it with these candyasses? If you discount the divorces, I've never had to pay for sex. I thought these guys were rough tough macho macho men? The intellectual elite, best looking boys on the block? Pay for it cuz they can't get any on their own.

  2. Some of those guys use their personalities as birth control devices.

  3. Ten Bears, they would spin it as they are helping the economy. You know, capitalism. Yay! Free enterprise! Empowering the feminine entrepreneur. But then they’d turn right around and arrest them for prostitution. Cause, you know, evangelicals.


  4. A definite happy ending for Kraft!

  5. Snark:
    Look at the up side would it not be a defense if that set aside was
    used as precedent to get some poor slub off?



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