Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Trump Administration Could Fuck Up a Wet Dream; Pandemic Ed.

Leave it to Trump to fuck up a working system.
As COVID-19 hospitalizations in the US approach the highest levels seen in the pandemic so far, national efforts to track patients and hospital resources remain in shambles after the federal government abruptly seized control of data collection earlier this month.

The Trump administration issued a directive to hospitals and states July 10, instructing them to stop submitting their daily COVID-19 hospital data to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—which has historically handled such public health data—and instead submit it to a new database in the hands of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Besides the point that the Trump Administration increased the administrative burden on hospitals across the country, there's the funny point about a ten-million dollar for handling the data that was given under shady circumstances to, you guessed it, yet another Trump supporter. It was awarded in such a way that other companies, who might of been expected to bid on it, not only did not, they were not aware of it.

With Trump and his cronies, it's all about the grift.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt dumpfs witch doctor will blame his moist dream on those
    evil witches.

    He needs more chloroquine, maybe a much larger dose. Its a
    possible cure for grift and greed.



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