Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Pompeo is a Trumpist Hypocrite. So What Else is New.

"A Rule for Thee, But Not For Me":
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sent a cable to all U.S. diplomatic missions last month warning American diplomats that under federal law they should not take overt sides in the presidential campaign. On Tuesday, he plans to ignore his own warning by speaking to the [Trump] National Convention endorsing President Donald Trump for a second term.
Secretaries of State for past presidents, both Republican and Democratic, have avoided even the appearance of being involved in the political campaign of their presidents.

But in the POT, all those rules and customs get washed away by the stench of corruption that emanates from Trump.


  1. How appropriate this spam populated the comments of this post. Hopefully Donnie doesn’t see this offer...

  2. Welp, at least Putin got a smile out of the further destruction of the state department.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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