Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Don't Play the Trump Drinking Game!

Emergency services across the country were overwhelmed tonight dealing with an epidemic of tragic deaths following President Trump’s appearance at the GOP convention.
The rash of presumed deaths by alcohol poisoning is being blamed on an internet drinking game, which instructed people to do a shot every time President Trump told a lie.

Edited to add:

I ordered this t-shirt:


  1. Satire at its best.

    More than 22000 lies to date.

    If you started jan 21 2017, by now your liver is dead.

    Per day, one day.
    Its impossible to survive in reality as the number of lies per day
    exceeds 16 and most people can't drink that much even over 24 hours.

    Per WH presser or speach...
    Potentially survivable, high risk however.

    He has driven the country to drink. But mostly clorox and hand cleaner.
    Oh right, they are toxic too.


  2. Maga = My Ass Got Arrested!

  3. Not The Onion? [sigh] Another Internet tradition down.

    It'll take more than Drumpf uck to get me started again but damn, it's tempting. Rest assured I am well aware of how quickly these things get out of hand.

  4. Like the "science" that told us that masks would not do anything?

    The "Science" that said that hydroxychloroquine was not only ineffective but also dangerous to use (even though it has been in use since WWII and was a well known drug, both dosage and side effect wise)?

    The "science" of social distancing, that chose 6 feet with absolutely zero evidence that it was a good distance...either too close or not close enough? That fails to take into account air movement?

    Which "Science" are ya gonna believe?

    Or the "Science" behind Al Gore's "Global Warming" wherein we are all already dead...that science...the part that "Hid the Decline" and still uses models that fail to account for the temps we have today? That science?

  5. Science evolves.

    Unlike conservatives, who have been stuck in the Stone Age, forever.

    Only an imbecile would believe that the understanding of a virus that wasn't even known to exist until late last year would be static.

    (Hell, 150 years ago, some folks thought that the Sun was fueled by coal. Fusion wasn't even thought of until the 1930s.)

  6. That will go with my new hat. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WFWRH52/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    Is that B character some kind of wanna be sophist?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the US have a massive shortfall of PPE for the frontlines?

    The Japan, Korea and Taiwan winter time masking strategy were somewhat anecdotal at first, but can't be denied now. The numbers don't lie:

  7. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time, it must be Trump.

  8. "Science evolves"

    Sure, but the examples I pointed out were not "evolved". They were political.

    When politics overrides actual, you know, Science, then it ain't science anymore. It is politics.

    Which is, apparently what you are following.

  9. No B, the world is not flat, is not six thousand years old and no, I don't care what your book says it's a fucking book, it's not ok to have sex with children.

  10. B, hydroxychloroquine was developed a long time ago and while it has
    marginal effect its far from a safe or effective treatment. I personally
    worked with someone that lived in Mozambique for a while and got Malaria
    which its used for. He's still alive thanks to a pacemaker implanted
    when he was 31 due to hydroxychloroquine. Seems there are a large
    percentage of people that have adverse reactions. Same for Lupus
    sufferers if they tolerate it is very helpful if they don't it can

    Its like much of the early cancer drugs they were effective if they
    didn't kill you.

    Science does evolve, it tests ideas and updates itself. But if the
    testing is uncontrolled or random without control the result is
    at best anecdotal and can be deadly.

    However,, we know from history and applied science there are things
    that we know work in the face of infectious disease. Distance, no contact, quarantine, and sanitation work. While people make excuses for no masks
    there is data in evidence that groups that don't have higher infection
    rates. those groups that do not distance and all that also have high
    infection rates.

    As to politics, its when they get involved we get confused and ignorant
    people that believe a personality is their expert and saviour despite their
    total lack of knowledge or training. Keep spreading the big lie.



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