Sunday, July 19, 2020

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

B-1B full-burner takeoffs:


  1. I remember that to be one of the loudest aircraft I've ever heard.

    I miss the Stinsons.

  2. An aircraft STILL in search of a mission...

  3. Old NFO....perhaps it's a dedicated goose interceptor?

  4. I saw one of these do a flyover of the Texas A&M Campus in ‘05. I swear, it looked like he had to pull up to clear the stadium, we could count rivets. Then it went full afterburner over the parade ground, Joe is right, positively earth shaking. We were only SLIGHTLY exaggerating later when we claimed to have felt the heat standing there in formation.

    I don’t even mind if it doesn’t have a mission, they’re worth keeping around just for flyovers and air shows.


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