Saturday, July 11, 2020

Three Words That Sum Up the Republican Plan For Dealing With This Pandemic

Die, Fucker, Die!
A long-expected upturn in U.S. coronavirus deaths has begun, driven by fatalities in states in the South and West, according to data on the pandemic.
Trump has no plan, other than run his yap about how well he is doing, touting ineffective drugs and turn precautions into a culture war. Gov. Ducey (AZ) finally emerged on Thursday after spending more than a week hiding out in his bunker. GOP states skipped over the guidelines regarding how to open their states safely and now they're reaping the whirlwind.

Thanks to Trump and his suck-up GOP governors, the pandemic levels in the U.S. are making this country look like one of the Third-World shitholes that Trump has derided. Republicans have equated wearing a mask to being a Holocaust victim.

As for Trump, all he can do is whine to his friends about how the pandemic is affecting him. Over 100,000 Americans have died and to Trump, it's a tragedy that affects him. A cop kills a Black man and to Trump, it's all about making him look bad.

But as to a plan to deal with any of these crises?

Three words:

Die, Fucker, Die!


  1. The Pandemic is here to stay
    So let's all run out to play.
    Breath in some nasty old coronavirus
    while it's fresh and ready to infect us.
    We'll soon make it to our ICU bed
    right before we end up dead.

  2. GOP Plan: Don't get sick. If you do get sick, die quickly.

  3. There was an article on "Raw Stories" today 7/11/20 about a 30's year old man who went to a gathering of people who intentionally exposed themselves to the virus to see for themselves if it was a hoax. Naturally as you can imagine, he died from the virus. Darwin at it's finest.

  4. Kind of illustrates the actual danger of propaganda. Some folks will believe it, and if it's as homicidally stupid as what's being pushed out by the goddamn Republicans, some folks will die over it. See also: Medicaid expansion.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. I have a better idea on how we deal with this problem. Mind your own business, make your own decisions, run your own life. It's called freedom.


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