Saturday, July 18, 2020

Federal Secret Police, Coming to a City Near You

That's what the DHS is saying in this interview. The"violent crimes" that the DHS is claiming as justification for cruising around in pedophile-vans and grabbing people off the street are mostly acts of graffiti.

This is the sort of shit that people have been warning about since the Department of Homeland Security was created, with its creepy Soviet-style name. We've been warning that having secret Federal cops running around, unaccountable to local authority, was dangerous to a free society. (We've also been warning about the blatant racism of the TSA and the CPB, too.) DHS has been monitoring nonpolitical marches. They decided to become air cops.

DHS = Our own home-grown Gestapo. It was bad enough when they staffed the TSA with mall-cop rejects. Now they're doing their own shadow-version of martial law-- dressing up like members of a white-supremacist militia, arresting people at random and hoping that they can find something actionable. It's sort of like the NYPD's discredited stop-and-frisk program, but for morons.

We are one staged event away from shit getting real.

I sure hope that I'm wrong on this. But still, I'll close with the words of my co-blogger, Eck!: Keep your powder dry.

ETA: Also this analysis, which is long, but is worth reading.


  1. Geheime Staatspolizei, aka gestapo by name.
    The other half is the ORPO or SIPO, the former is local
    police for keeping order. the latter is the secret and
    security police. Deeper functions were local cops ORPO
    maintaining local order like crime. The SIPO were for
    control of those elements that would run counter,
    activists, terrorists.

    Extracted from:

    Are we seeing that? UNknown as there is no transparency.


  2. This must be remembered post regime change next year.

  3. Assuming there will be regime change.

    I was chastised a few times here and there before dropping out, notably at No More Mister Nice (Not Really), over my anticipation of a Tea Pot Dictator dissolving congress as obstructionist, declaring Martial Law and "postponing" the election. That the anticipation dates to the Cheney Administration is beside the point, And I was a bit surprised AWOL didn't try it. It's like the Trump Flu, we've wasted so much time denying it's happening that it's too late to stop it.

    Wonder what Vegas odds are.

  4. The Rude Pundit seems to think this may be a warm up for upcoming shenanigans, but the trolls in the comment section of the Field Negro seem to think it simply a good election strategy, their reasoning (if one could call it that) being that an authoritarian crack down will be popular among the populace, who they imagine to be terrified of Antifa...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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